Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Show me your peacock

I want to start experimenting more with make-up in my shoots. I should use hair and make-up artists a lot more than I do currently, especially while i'm at Uni and there are so many other students available to collaborate with. We recently had a cosmetics brief at Uni where we had to create an advertising campaign for, I chose The Body Shop, but throughout my research for the project I saw a lot of make up adverts that really caught my eye. For example this MAC advert, using peacock feathers to mimic the colours of the make-up range. It's a really good metaphor as well as Peacocks use their feathers to attract a mate and show off. This is just like how the make-up will be used, in theory to make the wearer more attractive to the opposite sex. The colours and the way it has been applied in spontaneous strokes looks really striking and beautiful.

I would like to create a fashion image inspired by this but I would possibly like to use parrot feathers instead, as parrots also attract mates with their colours. I am also thinking of using fireworks as a metaphor for the colours of make-up. When I create these images I want to have the model's make up done similar to the make up in these images.
Gosh advert

Kylie Monogue

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