Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Virgin Suicides

I am really inspired by the movies of Sofia Copploa, the mise en scene is always spot on. Her movies nearly always have the theme of loneliness and isolation, the two charcters in Lost in Translation, the teenage girls in The Virgin Suicides, the title character in Marie Antoinette, Coppola has developed her own distinct style of putting this across. There’s something about the whole aesthetics of her films, the delicate lighting, the faded colour palette, the feminine “look” of them that I find really appealing.
I re-watched the Virign Suicdes today and was reminded just how inspiring I find the imagery in it. Coppola has obviously paid very close attention in the story boarding of the film as every shot is perfectly framed to tell each part of the story.  I want to do a photo shoot which pays homage to this film. I’m going to find models and try and shoot this in the next couple of weeks, watch this space for the results! Here are stills from the movie which I will be using for inspiration….


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